by Eric Wong

A Fairy tale
Let me draw you a picture, a beautiful picture of the perfect village, one that is protected on all sides by a great wall.
The villagers are very happy and would do anything to maintain their way of life. The wall protects them from foreign influence,
alien corruption, deviant ideas, and is even sound proofed to keep out strange, loud noises. The village leaders have designated
moneys to decorate the protective walls. The artists could do anything they wanted as long as it reflected the needs of everyone
in the community, children were involved, and they submit a resume, bio, slides, slide list, self addressed stamped envelope,
cover-letter, artist statement and a proposal w/sketches to be overseen by an appointed committee. So the creative/bohemian
segment of the population began to sketch-out ideas and develop proposals. The most skillful of all the artisans were chosen
and the wall was transformed. The decoration was magnificent, a profound mirroring of the village itself. Everyones needs
had been fulfilled and the villagers lived happily ever after.
A fabulous presentation of work by some of San Diego’s most profound artist’s! There was this great show at this
place, somewhere in San Diego. The presentation was both exciting and intimate! The colors were dynamic and… wow! I
was literally blown away by the artist’s power of expression! The shapes were exquisite, undulating, moving the viewer
into a realm of delightful fancy. Soft, warm, delicate surfaces seducing the viewer’s sense of touch. The objects, both
convex and concave cried out for attention! Compelling the viewer, with an innate sense of urgency to interact with the work
in a firm and yet delicate kind of intamacy. Evoking feelings of dominance and demanding the viewers submission. A powerful
and overwhelming primal experience of instinct, feeling and emotion. These Biomorphic manifestations boldly stroke issues
of sexuality, gender, identity, time and space. I found myself projected into a strange and unfamiliar place, disoriented,
and yet thoroughly satisfied.